Burrow Brunch & Bazaar

Join us for:

Burrow Brunch & Bazaar



WHEN: 10:30AM - 2PM

What is this event?

  • We will be serving up a pop-up brunch on one side of the restaurant & on the other side of the restaurant we will be hosting a free clothing swap. You just need to bring some clothing to donate to the clothing swap & then you can pick items that other people have brought for free. Bring a reusable bag to bring your new clothing home in. It is a fun community way to exchange your clothes and get some fresh new styles without breaking the bank.

  • All left-over clothing will be donated to WISH Drop-In & Union Gospel.


Since opening The Burrow 15 years ago, we’ve been passionate about our engagement in the community. These last few years have been tough for us as a business, as they have been for so many restaurants and small businesses, and we’ve really missed engaging in the life-giving activities of hosting the community in creative and fun ways. Lately we’ve been asking ourselves what we can offer, with limited resources. What does our community need right now, in these times of ongoing financial squeeze? From this conversation was born The Burrow Brunch and Bazaar. We hope you’ll find this simple community event life-giving! For us, it feels like going back to our simple roots of sharing resources amongst friends. We started The Burrow with almost no money in our pockets, but such a tremendous wealth of creative, passionate, generous, can-do people around us. That free economy spirit is one of the original threads in the fabric of The Burrow. So come - bring clothes, take clothes. We’ll have to charge you for the breakfast, of course, but as always our menu is still wildly affordable.

The Burrow